Ramsey & District U3A

Notice of AGM

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Ramsey & District U3A will be held at the Ramsey Community Centre, Stocking Fen Road, Ramsey PE26 2UR on Tuesday 14 April 2020 at 2.00 pm for the purpose of conducting the following business;

  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting
  2. Chairman’s Report
  3. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2019 – accounts will be issued to all members in late February
  4. Appointment/Continued Appointment of Examiner for the Accounts
  5. Group Co-ordinator’s Report
  6. Election of Committee
  7. Consideration of motions proposed by the Members and/or Committee
  8. Formal Closure of AGM

Nominations are requested from all members for appointments to the Committee.

Nomination forms will be available at the Monthly Meetings in February and March 2020, or can be obtained from Committee members, these can be used to propose and second candidates. If you are the proposer there is no requirement to get a candidate to sign but please ensure the candidate is happy to be nominated.

All nomination forms must be received by the Business Secretary, David Gilbert-Hill by 24 March 2020

Proposals for motions to be discussed at the AGM are requested from members.

Proposal forms will be available at the Monthly Meetings in February and March 2020, or can be obtained from Committee members, these can be used to propose and second motions. Each proposal must have a proposer and seconder.

All proposal forms must be received by the Business Secretary, David Gilbert-Hill by 24 March 2020

 David Gilbert-Hill

Business Secretary

36 Ramsey Road


PE15 0XD