Ramsey and District U3A


Our Chairman welcomed members to the first meeting of 2020, by wishing all a Happy New Year, with a special welcome to new members and visitors. Please display your name badges as it is much easier to talk to each other if we know the name! Usual housekeeping notices were read, fire exits are marked, there is a defibrillator in the disabled toilet and a first aid kit in the kitchen.  For Health & Safety reasons it is required to join the chairs when there are more than 50 being used.  They cannot be staggered so hope everyone can see OK.  Chairs and tables for those less able will be put out in the foyer for when you are having your tea or coffee. Please make sure you look at the Notice Board in the foyer to see what events and group interests we have available for you all and hope you have considered new interest groups for your new year’s resolution.

The fixings for the hearing loop have been installed but following a power cut and a power surge, which affected the loop and the front door, the hall is awaiting complete checking of the electrical system.  Hopefully by next month it should all be sorted.

We are beginning to consider our AGM and the committee for 2020/21.  We have three members who will be standing down so I would encourage members to very strongly consider joining the committee so you can help to formulate how your U3A will develop into the twenties.  We really do need members to step up and volunteer as we can’t operate without a committee.  If you would like more details of what is involved, please speak either to myself or a member of the committee.  A working knowledge of computers and the internet is necessary, but tuition can be given. 

On Friday 6th March Ramsey U3A will be hosting the Anglia Network meeting for this region.  My thanks to those Leaders who have agreed to display their group at this event.  U3As within the Anglia region will be talking of their own U3As experiences, good and bad, and what challenges they may face in the future.  All group leaders and members are welcome to attend.

Our holiday for 2020 will be ‘Irish House Party’, 29th June to 3rd July price £535 per person with a single supplement of £69, four-night half board terms, the cost includes the ferry crossing, free drinks, a trip to Waterford Crystal.  Family and friends are welcome on this trip. Deposits need to be paid to Greatdays Travel. Day trip to the Houses of Parliament and River trip Saturday 18th April price reduced to £52 pp, we have 4 more places available, the pick-up time 8.00am. Hampton Court Palace 17th July price £45, finally, Peckover House and Elgoods brewery on 23rd October price £25. Deposit for the day trips is £10 per person (non-refundable). If you are interested, please add your name to the sign-up sheet.

The Groups Co-ordinator then said that the Music Appreciation Group were looking for two more members to join. A new group has been formed, this will be a new walking group, with shorter walked distances. Sign-up sheets available in the foyer for interested members.

Our membership is now standing at 189, with five new members signing up at today’s meeting. A display by the Books Groups was set up in the foyer, with free books to take away!

The chairman then introduced the speaker for this afternoon. She is Danni Smith and works for Oneleisure at Ramsey, her topic “Exercise and Ageing.”

 Day to day wellness – Wellness is the result of personal initiatives, seeking a more optimal holistic and balanced state of health and well-being across multiple dimensions. What does wellness really mean as we age? It needs awareness which means paying attention to the different aspects of your life. Older adults, who are physically active have lower mortality rates and are less likely to have heart disease or type2 diabetes.

Memory Function – is improved by regularly doing tasks that require active actions such as sudoku and crosswords.

Bone and Muscle condition – In older age, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis are changes, which occur when we lose bone mass density. An inactive lifestyle usually results in bone weakness. Our muscles loose size and strength as we get older.

Less flexibility in joints – We get age related changes in joints as the fluid or cartilage wears and allows the bone ends to rub together, instead of cushioning the joint, which results in pain and reduced function. We need exercise to keep our joints flexible. Drinking water is good for you and your joints!

Exercise – Seniors of 65 or older should get at least 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic exercise every week, if you go the vigorous route, i.e., jogging, then 1hour 15 mins should be your target. Strength training should also be part of your fitness regime.

The chairman thanked Danni for her informative talk which left much food for thought. We then broke for tea, coffee and biscuits.

U3A National Website

The email address to receive information about the national newsletter is:


Next Meeting

 Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th February at the Community Centre, Stocking Fen Road, Ramsey, starting at 2.00pm. The speaker will be Jon Crisp, his subject “Recycling,” from Amey Waste Treatment Centre, Waterbeach.

And Finally

Two items in support of the Ramsey Library

A coffee morning on Saturday, 1st Feb 2020 from 10.15 to 12.30. come along and enjoy a coffee, a cake and a chat with friends old and new and perhaps borrow a book or two!

A Fish and Chip supper – or veg option – Quiz Night on Friday 28th February. Doors open at 6.30 for a 7pm start. Tickets priced £8.50 to include supper, must be purchased in advance from Ramsey Library. Teams a max of 6 players. Prize for winning team. B.Y.O.B, Raffle and hot drinks available.

Ramsey Heritage Winter Talks (At the Ramsey library)

Wednesday 5th February starting at 3.30pm a talk by David Cozens on Ramsey Abbey.

This talk is repeated on Tuesday 11th February, starting at 7.00pm

Wednesday 19th February, starting at 3.30pm a talk by Clive Beeke on the Ramsey Tunnels.


Car Parking – Please remember to park your car considerately and use car sharing, if you are able.

Q. What’s the best thing about Switzerland?  A. I don’t know but the flag is a big plus.

Q.  What sits up in a tree and goes” Aaaaaah”? A. An owl with a speech impediment.